Mold in My Roof

Mold on Shingles
Roof Deck WOod Rot

Clearly, roof stains are serious business.

Roof algae, lichens and/or moss can eat through, yes through, your shingles and into the wood under your shingles causing wood rot. When the wood rots, moisture gets in through the cracks and creates an environment that assists mold growth. And Roof Mold growth in a home can pose health risks to people and pets. Don’t ignore your roof stains it could lead to something more than just a dirty roof. Contact Andy’s Roof Shampooing today and request an estimate. With a gentle, eco-friendly Roof Shampoo®, costly roof repairs can be avoided BEFORE any permanent damage to your roof deck occurs.

As Dr. Victor Morgenroth explains in the following article, roof stains, roof mold can lead to mold growth and cause health problems.

Dr. Morgenroth is a Keys Gate resident who is a semi-retired and a professor of neurology at UM. He was a principal administrator in the Environment Health and Safety Division of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for 20 years. Prior to that he was a Group Leader in the Toxicology Division at the Center for Food Safety and Nutrition in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Previously, he was on the faculty of several medical schools in neurology, pharmacology and psychiatry.